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Thursday, August 26, 2010

This and That

Haven't wrote a blog for a while, but not much new going on here. I'm on the fourth book of the Twil.ight saga...I know I'm addicted I have read the first three books within two weeks or less, and I'm almost half way through the fourth book! All I've been doing is coming home and reading! Still not pregnant, going to my doctors appt on Monday in a weird way I'm looking forward to that, if you can look forward to going to your OB. But, just want them to do some tests or something to convince me there is nothing wrong with me! I'm starting to think about acupuncture, my friend knows a lady that has a 100% success rate for helping women get pregnant! I've been holding out, but I think after my doctor appt, I might take it more seriously.
Anyways, this past weekend my Dad and stepmom came to visit, I LOVE visitors! We had a good time, although we didn't do much I just love to sit around and visit with them. Their trip was too short, but we'll see them soon enough for a family reunion!! I'm looking forward to seeing Aunts and Uncles and cousins I haven't seen in a long time!
Today, I bought a webcam, my sister convinced me that I should get one so we can skype, I'm kind of excited, I'll get to see my niece too while we are doing it, so that will be fun! I've never used skype, so I hope it works!! It was super easy to sign up! ALso, my sister might be coming to visit me, my husband is going out of town for the weekend, so I thought it would be fun to have her come out for the weekend while hes gone! I really hope she is able to come, it will be so great to spend some time with her, I KNOW we will have a blast!
Sorry for all the randomness!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So, I never would have imagined myself reading Twi.light, but I'm in a book club and somebody chose it to read. I was just talking to somebody at work that is IN LOVE with it and telling her that I just don't see myself getting into it. Well, I read the first book this weekend, started on Saturday and finished was good! I couldn't put it down, I always wanted to know what was going to happen next, and I want to start the next one already! If I had to choose I think I would say TEAM ED.WARD! I think that might be because Jacob wasn't really in this book too much, but I kind of want to watch the movie now too. I feel like a complete dork for saying that?! All the other books that have been chosen have been smut, and this was a nice change of pace :)
I can see why girls get into this vampire stuff its like a mystery, kind of sexy. But I'm not so sure about the pale skin..I don't find them attractive whatsoever! Anybody else read Twilight? What did you think?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Blah Blah Blah

First, I have to say, is it really only Tuesday?!?!? It feels like Thursday, it might be a long week...

This post is really just me needing to get things off my mind, I am feeling a little depressed lately about not being pregnant yet. I'm sure I'll be fine tomorrow, but today, as I was driving home from work, I almost started crying for nothing, and I'm not really a crier. And I'm sure I've said this stuff before in other posts, but oh well. I hate being stressed out about what days to BD with my husband, I mean I really HATE it! Even if I told myself that I should take a break from TTC, I KNOW in the back of my mind I will always be trying to figure out what day it is and if I'm going to be OV'ing soon. I really did not think when I started this journey it was going to take a year to get pregnant. I wish I would have started casually trying long before, knowing what I know now. I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm not around family because I think that would help take my mind off of things a bit. But being here, and not having a great social life and NO family of course besides my husband, I think it makes it a little harder. Maybe my husband was right that I shouldn't read all these baby blogs, but I truly enjoy reading them. I don't want to be that girl that gets upset when somebody else gets pregnant. I don't want to be that girl that people hide their pregnancies because they think I might get upset. And maybe I'm being a baby about it, but it is just SO frustrating. I guess the one thing I get to look forward to this month is my doctors appt on Aug 30th. My friend and I were talking today that I should go in to the doctors office with a list of things they should test me for to see why I'm not getting pregnant. They will probably think I am nuts! It might not have helped that somebody reminded me yesterday that if I didn't have my miscarriage that I would have found out this week or next week if I was having a boy or a girl.

Anyways I'm on CD8, so still a bit to go this month...lets hope my doctors visit at the end of the month will actually be an ultrasound with a heartbeat...