How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +20 lbs
Sleep: Pretty good, I get up about twice a night, but it is getting harder to roll over from side to side when my hips start hurting
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Best moment this week: Buying some last minute things for the baby. It didn't happen this week, but we have all of her furniture and everything set up in her room!
Movement: YES!! I just love it. I am finally starting to see a pattern, but I swear this kid is going to be bony! I'm not sure if I feel a knee or a heel, but once in a while something is sticking out and it is so hard!!
Labor Signs: No
Gender: Sticking with girl!
Stretchies: Nothing yet.
Belly Button in or out? Pretty much out, I never thought that would happen with my major innie!
What I miss: Nothing at all.
What I am looking forward to: The baby coming, I just can't wait to meet her!
Symptoms: swelling and just slowing down, we have 3 flights of stairs in our house and it is getting harder and harder to climb up!
Milestones: Making it to the 3rd trimester, and getting into the every two week appts!
Weekly wisdom: Ask for help, and sit down and put your feet up once in a while!
Emotions: Still very excited, can't wait to meet our baby girl and see what she looks like!
I'll leave you with a 32 week picture!