Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Birth Story

First, I can't believe its been 10 days already since baby girl was born!

Here goes, Friday night the 20th we went to bed, and before that day I had never experienced a contraction or a braxton hick. I was 38 weeks and 5 days. During the night I was having annoying period like cramps, and it was a little uncomfortable. I got up to use the bathroom and wiped some blood. I woke my husband up and he thought we should call the doctor, it was about 2:30am. The doctor said to just stay put and if contractions start and get closer together to call back. I'd say around 3am I had my first contraction, it wasn't too bad, pretty light and they started out about 9mins apart. This went on for a couple hours, and I finally went back to sleep for about 45 mins. At around 8am my husband made breakfast, and the contractions were getting a little stronger, but I decided to eat, and I did end up having some hot sauce on my eggs. I'd say after breakfast is when the contractions really started getting intense. I took a shower and by that time my contractions were about 4 mins apart or a little less. We called the doctor again, and they told us to come in. I was dilated to about a 3 when we got there, my last doctors appt I was barely a 1. I think we got to the hospital about 10-10:30am. It was so weird how my contractions got so much more intense when we got the hospital, to the point where I as getting sick. They didn't have a room open yet, so we were in the triage area. Going into this, I wanted to see how far I could get before getting an epidural, so I waited till it was unbearable. We were still in the triage area an hour or two later, when I asked for the epidural, but they had to wait till we got a room. We finally got a room at about 12:30 and I was literally begging for the epidural at that point, right before 1pm, the doctor came in to check me and I was already an 8 or 9! I literally said "Oh my God" I could not believe that I had made it that far so quickly. He did let me get the epidural, which I got at 1pm. The baby was still pretty far up, so they had me lay there for a couple hours for her to labor down. I did still have a little pain on one side, but nothing unbearable. I was still getting sick as well, I had major acid reflux from my breakfast that morning. Finally at about 3:45pm, I started pushing, and by 4:37pm she was born! I have to say, I never would have imagined that everything would have went that fast! But glad it did. My husband was so great the whole time, I was a little worried beforehand because he gets pretty grossed out easily, but he did GREAT!

Of course I don't have any pictures on this computer, so I will try to post some soon!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Baby Girl is here

She was born May 21st weighing in at 7lbs 7oz 20 inches long. The whole birth from start to finish was 14 hours. We named her Aryana Marie and are so in love. More to come.

Monday, May 16, 2011


WOW, I only have 14 days left, or 21 days if baby girl is late!!! I am so anxious to meet our baby girl, I'm not even at the point where I am uncomfortable, it is more that I just want to meet her! My husband is getting excited, he keeps asking me when she is going to drop and different things that should happen if I'm going into labor. I have to say that pregnancy has been nothing like I expected, I barely was sick in the beginning, I haven't had any cravings, I haven't been emotional, I can't really complain about anything. The worst that has happened is my feet swell up and if I sit too long my back hurts, but other than that I sleep great, I just get up to use the bathroom and fall right back to sleep. I've just heard so many stories about other women, and I really feel fortunate!

Our anniversary was a couple weeks ago, and we went up north to a little cabin for the weekend, it was so nice and relaxing! The weather wasn't great, but we just hung out and enjoyed spending time together. Everybody keeps saying we aren't going to get that once baby girl is born.

The other day at dinner my husband looked at me and said "I hope our daughter has your smile" it was the cutest thing ever! I told him he has a great smile too, but he said he wanted her to look like me.

So, I have 2 appts left and then if she isn't here we are scheduling an induction within a week of my due date! I am just so excited!! Everything is ready just waiting for her arrival!

We haven't picked a name yet, we have narrowed it down to 5 and going to make a decision once we see her!! I hope it doesn't take too long!

Well, that's all I can think of right now, I know it was all over the place, but just wanted to write it down!