First, I can't believe its been 10 days already since baby girl was born!
Here goes, Friday night the 20th we went to bed, and before that day I had never experienced a contraction or a braxton hick. I was 38 weeks and 5 days. During the night I was having annoying period like cramps, and it was a little uncomfortable. I got up to use the bathroom and wiped some blood. I woke my husband up and he thought we should call the doctor, it was about 2:30am. The doctor said to just stay put and if contractions start and get closer together to call back. I'd say around 3am I had my first contraction, it wasn't too bad, pretty light and they started out about 9mins apart. This went on for a couple hours, and I finally went back to sleep for about 45 mins. At around 8am my husband made breakfast, and the contractions were getting a little stronger, but I decided to eat, and I did end up having some hot sauce on my eggs. I'd say after breakfast is when the contractions really started getting intense. I took a shower and by that time my contractions were about 4 mins apart or a little less. We called the doctor again, and they told us to come in. I was dilated to about a 3 when we got there, my last doctors appt I was barely a 1. I think we got to the hospital about 10-10:30am. It was so weird how my contractions got so much more intense when we got the hospital, to the point where I as getting sick. They didn't have a room open yet, so we were in the triage area. Going into this, I wanted to see how far I could get before getting an epidural, so I waited till it was unbearable. We were still in the triage area an hour or two later, when I asked for the epidural, but they had to wait till we got a room. We finally got a room at about 12:30 and I was literally begging for the epidural at that point, right before 1pm, the doctor came in to check me and I was already an 8 or 9! I literally said "Oh my God" I could not believe that I had made it that far so quickly. He did let me get the epidural, which I got at 1pm. The baby was still pretty far up, so they had me lay there for a couple hours for her to labor down. I did still have a little pain on one side, but nothing unbearable. I was still getting sick as well, I had major acid reflux from my breakfast that morning. Finally at about 3:45pm, I started pushing, and by 4:37pm she was born! I have to say, I never would have imagined that everything would have went that fast! But glad it did. My husband was so great the whole time, I was a little worried beforehand because he gets pretty grossed out easily, but he did GREAT!
Of course I don't have any pictures on this computer, so I will try to post some soon!
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