I'm six weeks today, but still don't seem very pregnant. My chest is a little sore, and I'm tired, but still no nausea or morning sickness. I'm trying so hard to be positive, but its so hard when you just don't feel pregnant. I'm sure I should feel very lucky to not be sick at this point, but I just need some reassurance that things are developing. I only have 7 more days until I see/hear a heartbeat.
This weekend we went to the movies and saw Wait.ing for Super.man. If you haven't heard about it, it is a documentary about the U.S. Education system. It was good, but very sad and disappointing. To listen to people in charge of the system and who make the decisions say they know if kids go to this certain school they are going to fail is just unacceptable. To see a video of a teacher that did nothing but read a newspaper to himself the whole class, is ridiculous. I know there are great teachers out there that deserve to be paid more, but when you have teachers that the school knows are bad, and they can't fire them that is crazy?!! The movie made me cry, it was so sad to see some of these kids trying to go to better schools but they didn't get chosen because it was a lottery system. Now I just need to figure out what I can do to help, it is not fair that just because you live in a certain neighborhood that you can't get a good education.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Congrats on 6 weeks! Yippee! I bet you are as cute as a bug's ear. Saw that movie title at the theatre and had no idea what it was about. Glad for the review. Perhaps will see it on cable...so I can cry in my popcorn at home. :)