I can't believe my baby is over 3 months old already!! I just went back to work on Aug 18th, and she is doing great at daycare! We have only had one bad day. She doesn't nap well at daycare, so they need to work on that, but otherwise she does good! Obviously a lot has happened since I last posted and she was 17 days old! We had a little bit of a rough start, she was very colicky and I never could get her on a schedule. At about 6 or 7 weeks we moved her into her crib, and she did so good, I think we all slept better after that. She is a very loud sleeper, every little noise she made we would jump up and check on her. Also, around that time she preferred sleeping on her tummy, I think she has a little reflux, so she just slept better like that. I was so nervous the first night in her crib on her tummy, but she always had good neck control, and she has done just fine! Currently she goes to sleep around 7:30 and sometimes wakes up at 1am and then around 4 or 5am, other times she will not wake up until 3 or 4am. So I really can't complain, she just takes a bottle and goes right back to sleep. Just as I was going back to work, I lost my milk supply, so we had to switch to formula. I think that worked out the best for her because she had such bad gas on breastmilk, she would have a couple fits a day because of gas. We switched her over to Similac Sensitive, and she does SO much better! I felt very guilty and still kind of do, not being able to breastfeed longer, but I made it 3 months! I didn't think I would miss it, but I do, the other day I was holding her and I wanted to nurse her, but of course I couldn't. I keep telling myself that this formula makes her feel so much better!
So at 3 months, she is sooo smiley and her hands are ALWAYS in her mouth! We put her in her exersaucer(sp?) and she tries to put the toys in her mouth, she is really gaining her hand eye coordination, I swear everyday I'm amazed at what she can do. Today, I had her laying on the floor and she ALMOST rolled over, she was on her side, but couldn't quite figure out how to make it all the way, I could see she was getting a little frustrated. She will be rolling pretty quick!
Its amazing how much I love her! Everyday I come home and probably kiss her like 50 times before she goes to bed, I just want to squeeze her! I remember when she was born my husband said, isn't it crazy how you can love somebody so much that you have never met? I don't even remember what life is like without her, and don't want to even think about it. I can't believe how big she is already! We have her 4 month appt in only 3 more weeks!
So, at her newborn visit she was 7lbs 8oz (40th percentile), 20 inches(55 percentile) At her 2 month visit she was 13lbs 5 oz(93 percentile) 23.5 inches (83 percentile) haha what a difference!!! I'm curious to see if she evens out a little at her 4 month visit! I love her little rolls and love that I gave her those!
I'm on my husbands work computer, and can't find the picture of her he has, so I'll have to update later.
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3 months ago
We stopped breastfeeding at 3 months also! Rylin spit up SO bad when bf and once we switched to soy formula she hardly spits up at all! We used to use similac but switched to Gerber. I have about $12 in similac coupons and can mail them to you if you want them email me your addy! erthornbury@gmail.com