On Saturday we fed Aryana some cereal for the first time. Last week we gave her some banana mushed up with some formula and she did pretty good the first time with the spoon. This week, she did great as well. The cereal didn't really agree with her though, I think she has a sensitive tummy. She was fussy the rest of the day and shes had some pretty bad gas as well. Here are a couple pictures. I laugh every time I see the second picture, the way she has her mouth open so wide! She was acting like she wanted more, she kept looking up and holding her hands up while my husband was feeding her, it was really cute. I think next time I might mix the banana with the cereal and see if that helps! I also want to try squash and avocado soon too, but one at a time! I love the thoughts of making her baby food! We'll see if it lasts!

Rylin hated cereal! Didn't matter of it was rice, mixed grain, or ifit had fruit mixed in she was not a fan! Unfortunately I now have about 15 boxes!