On Monday May 10th, we found out that I was pregnant!!!! I was a couple days late, and I had been pretty normal the last 4 or 5 months, but I didn't want to take the test too early. I told W on Saturday morning that I was late and that I was going to either take a test on Sunday or Monday, but just didn't want to get my hopes up! I didn't do it on Sunday because if it was negative I didn't want to be upset, it was Mothers Day! SO I couldn't take it anymore, I took it first thing Monday morning!
I set down the test between W and I, and he moved it over to his side of the sink. We were brushing our teeth getting ready to go to work, after what seemed like forever I saw him look over at it, and then look over at it again, I asked him if it had the result and he said no, but I kept asking him..finally I took a look on my own and saw the YES!!
I of course started jumping up and down because we had been trying for 8 months, and although it doesn't compare to a lot of people it felt like forever!! W might have shed a tear! I had to tell somebody, so I called my Mom as soon as I got into the car on my way to work. Then during lunch time I had to tell my sister!! But told her she couldn't go to see our parents because I knew she would tell them.
Then today, W told his parents and his sister and my sister helped me tell my Dad and step mom!!!! The were all so excited!!
I haven't had many symptoms, just headaches and I'm hungry and tired, although I haven't been able to sleep since I knew I was late, and having to wait a day to tell some people!! Hopefully I'll get some rest tonight now that the secret is out!
And the journey begins!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
2 months ago
Woo-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love hearing stories like this! I'm so excited!!!!