Between blogs I'm reading and the book I'm reading there has been a lot of talk about sisters. So I thought I would talk about sisters and my relationship with my sister. I just got done reading a book called In Her Shoes. In the book the characters are sisters and they go through normal sister things such as arguments over one stealing the others shoes and men, but at the end of course they come together and really appreciate each other. Of course I cried at the end. My sister is "technically" my step sister, but I don't really like the word step, so I always call her my sister, and then when people ask how old she is and I tell them they ask if we are twins, because we are the same age. "No, I just don't like to say step" I think for step sisters we have a GREAT relationship. We met when we were 12 and have basically been best friends since.
I can't imagine my life without my sister. It doesn't matter if we talk or email every other day or once every two weeks we always know that the other one is there if we need something. I feel like we became closer after she had her daughter. I remember the day that she called to tell me I was going to be an Aunt, I just started crying, I was so happy for her, and couldn't wait to be an Aunt again. I can't explain it, but in a way I felt like we grew closer. I wish we lived closer so that we could hang out more and spend more time with each other, I love to go home and stay with her and we can just sit and talk and drink coffee like I never left. I know when I told her I was pregnant, she was just excited for me as I was, and when I had my miscarriage she just didn't know what to say. But she called to check on me everyday to make sure I was doing OK. I know she will be here when I am finally blessed with a child to show me the ropes!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Hi J! Thanks so much for checking on me. I'm still kind of at odds with food, I'm trying though. I find that I'm more stressed than usual, but I'm working on it. How are you?