How far along? 14 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +3lbs
Sleep: Not too bad, I wake up a little throughout the night because my hips hurt, and because every time I have to switch sides, my nerve pain is uncomfortable.
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Best moment this week: Nothing really baby related, but had a GREAT THANKSGIVING!
Movement: Nothing yet, hopefully in the next few weeks or so.
Labor Signs: Um, no, a little too early
Gender: No idea, but planning on asking the doc on Monday if they can check, so I can tell my family for Christmas.
Stretchies: Nothing yet.
Belly Button in or out? Very much in, it kind of grosses me out, I feel like as my stomach is getting bigger, it just looks like a black hole.
What I miss: Nothing at all.
What I am looking forward to: My appt on Monday to hear the heartbeat again :)
Symptoms: Sciatic nerve pain, headaches, back ache
Milestones: 2nd Trimester!
Weekly wisdom: No wisdom just yet, just trying to be patient to hear that little heartbeat again!
Emotions: I haven't been too emotional, maybe a little short with my husband, sometimes he just says, "I didn't know you were going to bite my head off" We usually just laugh it off afterward!
Here is a pic I took yesterday!