I'm coming to the end of the first trimester. I can't believe how fast it has gone. I always knew I wanted to have children, but I have never been able to imagine myself being pregnant. Now that its here, I still can't believe I am. Maybe its because I haven't had all the "usual" symptoms. Either way, I can't wait to start showing, and feeling the baby. I have to admit I'm a little nervous about gaining weight, but who isn't? My friend always says, there isn't another time in your life when you have an excuse to gain weight. And, I'm growing a baby! The other night I was laying in bed thinking about if I was having a boy or a girl, and thought to myself that every women in my family has had a boy first; my grandma, both aunts and my mom. I'm sure that has nothing to do with me, but that is kind of crazy! Then my next thought was, I sure wish my Grandma was here to see this! I grew up with my Grandma, I lived with her on and off during childhood and spent pretty much everyday after school at her house and everyday during the summer at her house. We would play cards together, lay in the sun together and go grocery shopping together, my best memories of a child were spending time with her. I wish my child would have been able to meet her. She passed away almost 4 years ago, she had dementia. Although, it sucked to see her like that, my grandma was pretty funny! We ended up having to put her in a nursing home because she kept leaving the house in the middle of the night. One day when we went to see her, we were sitting at a table in the dining room, and she was talking away, and all of a sudden she looked over at this lady in a wheel chair who looked like she was in a daze, and said "what are you looking at, you got a problem?" It was pretty funny.
Well, with all of that I'll leave you with a 12 week belly pic. Hope everyone has a good week!
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