Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

14 weeks

Well I thought I should finally start to do this, but I will probably not do it every week, because I feel like the answers are going to be the same, so I'll just do it every couple weeks! BTW, I'm in the 2nd Trimester BABY!!

How far along?
14 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +3lbs

Sleep: Not too bad, I wake up a little throughout the night because my hips hurt, and because every time I have to switch sides, my nerve pain is uncomfortable.

Food cravings:
Nothing in particular.

Best moment this week: Nothing really baby related, but had a GREAT THANKSGIVING!

Movement: Nothing yet, hopefully in the next few weeks or so.

Labor Signs: Um, no, a little too early

Gender: No idea, but planning on asking the doc on Monday if they can check, so I can tell my family for Christmas.

Stretchies: Nothing yet.

Belly Button in or out?
Very much in, it kind of grosses me out, I feel like as my stomach is getting bigger, it just looks like a black hole.

What I miss: Nothing at all.

What I am looking forward to: My appt on Monday to hear the heartbeat again :)

Symptoms: Sciatic nerve pain, headaches, back ache

Milestones: 2nd Trimester!

Weekly wisdom: No wisdom just yet, just trying to be patient to hear that little heartbeat again!

Emotions: I haven't been too emotional, maybe a little short with my husband, sometimes he just says, "I didn't know you were going to bite my head off" We usually just laugh it off afterward!

Here is a pic I took yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. You look great! You are going to have the CUTEST baby bump on the planet, I can't wait to see the progress. Thanks for the comment on my maternity photos, I was so nervous about posting them!

    And CONGRATS ON HITTING THE 2ND TRI!!!!!!! Woo-hoo! Time flies after this!
