Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

14 weeks

Well I thought I should finally start to do this, but I will probably not do it every week, because I feel like the answers are going to be the same, so I'll just do it every couple weeks! BTW, I'm in the 2nd Trimester BABY!!

How far along?
14 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +3lbs

Sleep: Not too bad, I wake up a little throughout the night because my hips hurt, and because every time I have to switch sides, my nerve pain is uncomfortable.

Food cravings:
Nothing in particular.

Best moment this week: Nothing really baby related, but had a GREAT THANKSGIVING!

Movement: Nothing yet, hopefully in the next few weeks or so.

Labor Signs: Um, no, a little too early

Gender: No idea, but planning on asking the doc on Monday if they can check, so I can tell my family for Christmas.

Stretchies: Nothing yet.

Belly Button in or out?
Very much in, it kind of grosses me out, I feel like as my stomach is getting bigger, it just looks like a black hole.

What I miss: Nothing at all.

What I am looking forward to: My appt on Monday to hear the heartbeat again :)

Symptoms: Sciatic nerve pain, headaches, back ache

Milestones: 2nd Trimester!

Weekly wisdom: No wisdom just yet, just trying to be patient to hear that little heartbeat again!

Emotions: I haven't been too emotional, maybe a little short with my husband, sometimes he just says, "I didn't know you were going to bite my head off" We usually just laugh it off afterward!

Here is a pic I took yesterday!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Cupcake Failure

Wanted to share a funny story that happened a week or so ago. So, my husband has been wanting some carrot cake, and I don't particularly care for it, but I went and bought a box of carrot cake mix and made cupcakes. When then were done I frosted some and my husband ate one. He said that they weren't very sweet, which I don't think carrot cake is anyway, which is probably why I don't like it! Anyways, the next day, he opened up the container they were in and said they smelled bad! He said they smelled like grease. He asked me what oil I used. Well, we have these glass oil containers you see at like an Italian restaurant, one is for Olive oil and the other is for vegetable oil. I told him I used the vegetable oil, because you don't usually bake with olive oil. He then proceeded to tell me that he poured some old oil/grease in that bottle that we have used for frying!!!!! So he ate some leftover grease!!! Needless to say we threw them away! But, I felt really bad, and so disgusted that he ate grease!! He poured that bottle of oil out and went and bought some more vegetable oil to put in it, so that never happens again! And, I made him a fresh batch this weekend, and he said they tasted A LOT better! Just makes me sick every time I think about him eating that cupcake! GROSS!

Monday, November 15, 2010

What are you looking at?

I'm coming to the end of the first trimester. I can't believe how fast it has gone. I always knew I wanted to have children, but I have never been able to imagine myself being pregnant. Now that its here, I still can't believe I am. Maybe its because I haven't had all the "usual" symptoms. Either way, I can't wait to start showing, and feeling the baby. I have to admit I'm a little nervous about gaining weight, but who isn't? My friend always says, there isn't another time in your life when you have an excuse to gain weight. And, I'm growing a baby! The other night I was laying in bed thinking about if I was having a boy or a girl, and thought to myself that every women in my family has had a boy first; my grandma, both aunts and my mom. I'm sure that has nothing to do with me, but that is kind of crazy! Then my next thought was, I sure wish my Grandma was here to see this! I grew up with my Grandma, I lived with her on and off during childhood and spent pretty much everyday after school at her house and everyday during the summer at her house. We would play cards together, lay in the sun together and go grocery shopping together, my best memories of a child were spending time with her. I wish my child would have been able to meet her. She passed away almost 4 years ago, she had dementia. Although, it sucked to see her like that, my grandma was pretty funny! We ended up having to put her in a nursing home because she kept leaving the house in the middle of the night. One day when we went to see her, we were sitting at a table in the dining room, and she was talking away, and all of a sudden she looked over at this lady in a wheel chair who looked like she was in a daze, and said "what are you looking at, you got a problem?" It was pretty funny.
Well, with all of that I'll leave you with a 12 week belly pic. Hope everyone has a good week!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We took our first cruise a couple weeks ago on the Norwe.gian Ep.ic.

We stopped in Cos.ta Ma.ya, Mex.ico, Roa.tan, Hon.duras and Coz.umel, Me.xico. I was very skeptical about taking a cruise, I have heard mixed feelings about it, some love it and some hate it. I myself, was not a fan of being out in the middle of the ocean. But, I am happy to say, that I enjoyed it, and half the time forgot I was on a boat! My favorite stop was Hond.uras! I think it was because I did not expect it to be so beautiful. Cos.ta Ma.ya on the other hand was sad. There was nothing there. Apparently it got hit with a hurricane pretty bad a couple years ago, and they haven't built it back up. Anyways, the boat had a casino, shopping, bowling, about 10 different restaurants, arcade, pool, rock climbing wall, water was pretty cool. Here are some pictures of our trip!

This was our view outside our balcony when we got to Hond.uras

We went on a city tour, and they took us to an Iguana was crazy, there were hundreds of them!

This is Coz.umel

The family, my in-laws, sister-in-law and her husband and myself and my husband.

One last pic of Hond.uras

It was a nice trip, we were able to eat whenever we wanted!! My husband loved the 24/7 ice cream! I was just loving all the food, since I'm hungry ALL.THE.TIME! I think I gained 5 pounds on the trip, but dropped a couple when I got back. I was also very surprised I didn't get sick at all when I was on the boat!!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Double Digits!!!

OMG I am 10 weeks today!! I can't believe its been 4 weeks since I last updated!! I finally switched doctors, so I went to the new doctor today, and loved them! I am so glad I switched! We got to see the baby today too! It is so crazy how much the baby changed in 3 weeks! When I went to the doctor at 7 weeks it looked like a little blob, but today like a little gummy bear! The nurse said everything looked good, and she was able to pick up a heartbeat from the doppler! I think my husband was amazed when we were looking at the ultrasound and the baby was moving around! The heartbeat was in the 150s. I have been feeling ok, a little nausea here and there, and some gagging, but overall I feel like I've been pretty lucky. I have a little sciatic nerve pain, but that is only when I'm laying on my back for a long time.
We just got back from our cruise a week or so ago, I'll have to post about that later.
So, here are some pictures of me at 9 weeks, I look a little bloated!