Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, January 24, 2011

You Couldn't Have Planned It Better

I wish....

At work, our year end is May 31st. Well, my estimated due date is May 30th. When people at work ask when I'm due and I tell them, they ALWAYS say, "you couldn't have planned that better!" since I will be missing our year end. I am in accounting so its kind of a big deal. BUT, I get so mad when I hear that, I just want to say, I didn't plan on waiting a year to get pregnant and I didn't plan on having a miscarriage, or else I would have been gone about right now and been back for year end. Instead I just smile and nod. The other day when I heard it, I actually said, "I didn't really plan it like that" but then I felt like I was telling them this baby wasn't planned. I know people don't mean to sound like that, but it really bugs me. My husband said I should say something, but I haven't thought of anything clever enough to say. Maybe I'm being sensitive about it, but its very annoying.

ANYWAYS, about this baby, can I just say, that I LOVE to feel her move! I have been waiting this whole pregnancy to feel some movement, and I can't get enough!! At work all day, every time I feel a little something I just put my hand on my belly for like the next 20 mins just waiting to feel it again. My husband finally felt her the other day, he said he was getting jealous that I could feel her and he couldn't.
Well I'll leave you with a picture, I just took it today at 22 weeks. I'm still wearing my regular pants, with a belly band, and some maternity shirts, or I have been buying just Large regular shirts, since they are a little cheaper! Excuse my face, I probably could have smiled!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

20 Weeks - Halfway Point!!!!

I am at the halfway point!!!!!!

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +8lbs

Sleep: Not too bad, I wake up a little throughout the night because my hips hurt, and have to switch sides.

Food cravings: Nothing in particular.

Best moment this week: Reaching the halfway point!!!!

Movement: Not sure, I don't feel "flutters" and its not really consistent, but I feel something.

Labor Signs: No

Gender: Well, we had two different ultrasounds, both said girl, but they weren't sure, the baby was not cooperating!! Her legs were closed!

Stretchies: Nothing yet.

Belly Button in or out? It is starting to pop a little, its kind of funny, part of it is even with my belly.

What I miss: Nothing at all.

What I am looking forward to: My next appt on Friday, and starting our registry!

Symptoms: nothing really, just my hips hurting at night, and a little back pain.

Milestones: Halfway point!

Weekly wisdom: Try not to compare yourself to others, everybody has a different pregnancy.

Emotions: I have not been emotional at all, I think I have ALMOST cried once, I'm sure towards the end I'll be a mess.